Top Soccer Teams from Spain

List with some of Spain's top soccer teams information like logo, domestic and international tournaments and titles won, jersey colors, nicknames, confederation and greatest players.

This page is the index to the Spanish top soccer teams you can find in this soccer site and a summary of domestic and international titles won.

Spain Flag Top Soccer Teams from Spain

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  Domestic Tournaments International Tournaments
Cups and Others
UEFA Champions League Others
Athletic Club Logo
Athletic Club
36 8 28 - - -
Atlético Madrid Logo
Atlético Madrid
24 11 13 8 - 8
Barcelona Logo
77 27 50 20 5 15
Deportivo La Coruña Logo
Deportivo La Coruña
6 1 5 - - -
Real Betis Logo
Real Betis
4 1 3 - - -
Real Madrid Logo
Real Madrid
71 36 35 31 15 16
Real Sociedad Logo
Real Sociedad
6 2 4 - - -
Sevilla Logo
7 1 6 8 - 8
Valencia Logo
16 6 10 7 - 7
Villarreal Logo
- - - 3 - 3